





豪州に初めて持ち込まれた慰安婦像は、AshfieldにあるUniting Churchの裏にある駐車場の奥に仮置きされています。AJCNの再三の撤去要求に対し、協会側はかたくなにこれを拒み応じる気配はありません。教会敷地は私的所有地として登録されていますが、人種差別法(The Racial Discrimination Act 1975-RDA- Section 18C)の上では公的な場所(Public place)とみなされます。ここで起きた人種差別的な言動は公的な場所での差別行為とみなされます。北朝鮮と政治的つながりを持つ挺身隊対策協議会の支援を受けた豪州の反日韓国人グループの依頼に基づき、Ashfield教会のビル・クルーズ牧師は慰安婦像を引き受け、上部教会組織もこれを止めた気配はありません。ビル・クルーズ牧師は、複数の公の場で誤った認識に基づき日本人を中傷する言動を繰り返しました。AJCNからこれらの不当性を指摘されると、今度は慰安婦像を、すべての戦争で被害をこうむった女性、さらには家庭内暴力(DV)に苦しむ女性を悼むために像を引き受けたのであり、特定の人種(日本人)を中傷、攻撃する意図はないと言い出しました。DVの被害者というアプローチはStrathfield市での慰安婦騒動の仕掛人であった反日中韓グループの指導者、Luke Song氏が途中から言い出したことです。彼はビル・クルーズ牧師と今年2月に会い、像の受け入れを依頼していることから、彼から入れ知恵されたものと思われます。しかし現実に像の横に置かれた碑文には「日本軍によって性奴隷とされた慰安婦たちを記憶し、日本政府の正式な謝罪と賠償を要求する」と明確に特定の人種(日本及び日本人)を名指しした文章が刻まれています。ビル・クルーズ牧師は明らかに嘘をついていることになります。


















Australia: Korean Puppets are stalking Japanese


Australia: Korean Puppets are stalking Japanese

For over two years now, I have written about the Comfort Women scam. There are many aspects to the scam. At the very highest level, there is China trying to make Koreans, Americans, and Japanese mistrust and fight each other. It is working on Koreans. 

Long story short, the Chinese puppet masters in Beijing deeply understand the Korean psyche. They realize that Koreans carry something called blood libel, or blood hate. 

First one must understand something about hatred. Hatred is a compound emotion consisting of two primary emotions. Those two emotions are ANGER and DISGUST. (There are seven primary emotions – as in primary colors, all the rest of the emotions are based on a mixture of the first seven.)

So, as a writer, if I want a reader to hate someone, first I must evoke disgust, and then anger (or the inverse), and nature will take it from there. It’s that simple.

Disgust normally has a very short half-life. We might be extremely disgusted by something today, and over it just hours or maybe days later. 

Anger can have a longer half-life, but still anger normally dissipates quickly. I have at times felt a serious flash of anger, but within a minute it is under control, and within just a couple minutes can literally be gone. 

For instance, both Clinton and Trump disgust me, but I have never been angry with them, so I have no hatred for them.

Hatred is extremely powerful, and persistent. 

The half-life can be in the generations, or even centuries. This is where blood hate arrives. If two men deeply hate each other, they might teach their children to hate the other family. Now we have a hate-tornado going that ripples through the ages.

Some cultures hang onto and nurture hatred. We see that with Black Lives Madness in the USA. 

We see it often with Koreans, and many sorts of Arabs (Arab being difficult to define). Scottish are famous for feuds. English less so – English are good at letting things go. 

Japanese as a people have a magical way of not carrying hatred or blood feuds, otherwise they would be blowing us up all around the world.

The Middle East is a cauldron of so many blood feuds that nobody is smart enough to track them all.

The Chinese realize that Korean culture nurtures blood feuds. Look at North and South Korea. They would love to nuke each other if they could get away with it. (Not that ROK has nukes.) 

So the Chinese puppet masters manipulate the Koreans and fan that hatred.

Earlier this year, I was in Nanjing researching this topic. I visited the massacre museum. That museum is a masterpiece of hate-building. It is incredible. 

If by the time you leave that museum, you do not hate Japanese, you have no soul. (Unless you are someone who realizes what is going on.) 

Conversely, I was also at the Flying Tigers Museum in Kunming. If by the time a person leaves the Flying Tigers Museum, if she does not love or at least feel warm for Americans, she has no heart. 

The Flying Tigers Museum makes our elders look so great that I was almost embarrassed. I could not have designed a better piece of pro-American propaganda. And this is in China, now. Then the Flying Tigers rugby team invited me to see them play! In China! Incredible, but I digress.

So, the Chinese are playing the natural fault lines. This is unconventional warfare 101. 

Others have spent much effort doing the same with us in America, trying to make whites and blacks hate each other. (It works for some, but not for most of us.)

I also flew to Australia researching this. I was told by an Australian government official that many Koreans want nothing to do with this fight. They either like Japanese, are neutral, or he also said some Koreans are big into prostitution in Australia and do not want the bright light.

I have spoken with many Japanese mothers. They are concerned that Korean students will go to violence. 

Some violence already is occurring, such as recent bombing and arson attacks in Japan. Some Koreans were just arrested for this, I think less than a week ago.

But now, when Japanese have to push back, this plays into the hands of the hate machine. 

Outsiders who do not realize what is happening often say, “Look at those dirty Japanese! Why don’t they apologize!” (They have apologized, many times, many years ago, and sometimes they apologize for things they did not do.)

So that is it in a nutshell. I could go on with 500 pages of detail and supporting documents and interviews, but in a nutshell the Chinese puppet masters are playing emotional Koreans as useful idiots.

Press release from a good Japanese organization in Australia. I spent much time with them. They are good people just trying to raise their kids:


Why do Korean children bully Japanese children?

Press Release
19 December 2016

Why do Korean children bully Japanese children?

Some journalists asked me if I would agree that the comfort woman statue itself could cause no harm.   Unfortunately the innocent looking girl is designed to be the symbol of Korean anti-Japan sentiment.  Her extremely young appearance is to suggest that such a young child was used as a sex slave by the Japanese military.  Korean teachers take their young students to the statue and teach them their version of the history.

As a result of the anti-Japan education, not only in South Korea but also in other countries, young Korean children grow up believing the comfort woman abduction story, and their anti-Japan behaviour is often encouraged and praised by their teachers and parents as you can see in this picture taken at a train station in South Korea.

Here is another example of such children. They created a YouTube movie which includes a scene of a Japanese soldier, acted by a Korean student, killing a comfort woman, acted by another Korean student, by stabbing followed by a close shot of a hand with pouring blood.


Sydney Lee (리나), Jino Chung (진오), Simone Willets (앵두), Noah Wise (다현), Sebastian Chai (세비), Devin Dunnigan (데빈)

This kind of story is no longer believed in Japan as the Asahi Newspaper, which disseminated the fabricated abduction story originally, admitted it was a fictitious story created by a con man called Seiji Yoshida.   But the story remains in Korean children's mind due to the anti-Japan education prevailing in Korean societies and they instinctively spit at Japanese counterparts and demand them to apologize.   Now Japanese people have begun experiencing similar bullying and intimidation in Australia since the comfort women statue became an issue here and this is what the local mothers are worried about.

This is the fundamental difference between ANZAC monuments and comfort woman statues.   Australian children learning history are never taught to hate former enemy countries and their descendants.  Unfortunately this is not the case with the comfort women statues, and so we are forced to defend our families from this kind of racial intimidation as best we can.

Accordingly it is impossible for us to consider the comfort woman statue as a statue that symbolises all women who suffered in war as Rev Crews insists.  The statue is never free from the intention and the motivation of the people who created and erected it.  The plaques that accompany the statue clearly accuse only the Japanese during World War II and there is no mention of the suffering of any other people forced into prostitution during wars, including for example comfort women during the Korean War and Vietnamese War under the South Korean government’s own military prostitution programme.  It is always important to learn from the past but we have to teach our children to positively construct the future as well.

This is not about dispute over historical facts.  Everyone can have his/her own view.  Yet we must refrain from threatening and adversely affecting other ethnic communities.  There are many cross cultural families in Australia. They are all worried about the safety of their children.

We would like the Uniting Church to rewrite the plaques according to what Rev Crews says himself and house the statue somewhere inside, more private and discreet to minimize the risk of adversely affecting the local communities.  Korean people can visit the statue commemorating women suffered in war in peace without offensive demonstrations.  This is rather a simple and reasonable request.

If you wish to further investigate this issue, please read the articles below:

“Comfort women articles by scholars “

Tetsuhide Yamaoka

Australia-Japan Community Network


Comfort Woman Statue causing racial bullying to Japanese children

Media Release

15 December 2016 

Comfort Woman Statue causing racial bullying to Japanese children 

We release this statement to further clarify our position on this matter.

We received a couple of emails accusing us of using the 18C to challenge the historical facts and whitewash atrocities.  We restate the following.

War ended a long time ago.  Everything was legally settled and we moved on.  Everybody can have own views and interpretation over historical events.  We should be sensitive towards any traumas people carry on.  However we must make sure our local communities are kept in harmony.  We should refrain from using history to achieve political goals.  We stress again that young children are far more susceptible to racial hatred.

We hear from worried and distressed parents especially from North America where such statues were already erected and political demonstrations continuously take place.

Typical cases:

Korean children surround a Japanese child and force him/her to apologize.
Korean children spit at Japanese children and/or spit over lunch boxes of Japanese children.
Korean children tell Japanese children “Japanese are evil race.”

Those Korean children think it is OK to do so watching what their parents say and do.

One case from Strathfield, NSW in 2015.

A Korean boy told his Japanese best friend “Let’s stay friends no matter what adults say and do.”

Another case in Sydney CBD

A Japanese mother visited a Korean own Japanese restaurant in Sydney CBD. Her half Australian daughter was served a boiling water in a cup with a straw.  As she burnt her throat and started crying the mother asked workers at the restaurant to give her water but she was ignored for a long time and she had to push very hard.

We must not allow this to happen in our local communities and we explained this in detail to the Uniting Church asking their cooperation but they did nothing merely saying “The statue is not targeting the Japanese.”  Such an attitude is totally irresponsible and we consider it culpable being a religious organization supposed to work for everyone’s welfare.

Accordingly we are forced to take a formal action.  It is a basic instinct of parents to protect their children.  AJCN is committed to support them.  We can always talk about historical interpretations but that is a separate matter.  Hence 18C is considered relevant in this case.  Please also refer to the attached bullying cases reported by a Japanese scholar who visited local Japanese parents in North America.

Best regards
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
Australia-Japan Community Network

About the Comfort Woman Statue

Media Release
14 December 2016

About the Comfort Woman Statue

As ABC reported AJCN has lodged a complaint against Uniting Church Australia at Human Right Commission.

Completely apart from interpretation of historical facts we have a numerous number of reasons to believe this statue has been promoted as a political tool causing unnecessary animosity and division to local communities. For this reason, Strathfield Council unanimously declined the Korean proposal in 2015 as more than 70% of residents voted No to the statue. More recently, Friedburg in Germany declined the similar proposal having realised that the statue is used as a political tool to put pressure on the Japanese government.
This kind of statues have been erected all over the world, and demonstrations taking place beside the statues are clearly political, racial and often violent. We consider this is a huge intimidation to the Japanese nationals. Please see the photos below for your references. What further concerns us is the fact that those specific Korean people promoting the statue are trying to break the governmental mutual agreement proposed by both Japanese and the South Korean governments. This agreement is implemented with the aim to provide assistance to the families of deceased comfort women and surviving comfort women, and Australian government officially announced that they also support this agreement as well. We hardly understand why we cannot let the two governments settle and build a better relationship for the future. This statue is a clear symbol with the intention of disregarding the governmental agreement.

Mr Abe beheaded beside the statue. Photography taken in South Korea

One of the ceremonies held in the U.S. to promote the “comfort women” statue.
Another point is that, we realised young children are naturally susceptible to racial hatred. We are deeply shocked by the fact that small children in South Korea are educated that Japan is an evil at a very young age in their Anti-Japan education system. The following photos are showing drawings by young Korean children which were displayed at a subway station outside Seoul.

We are frightened to see this kind of hatred has been publically displayed at the place of train station.


 These are placards held up by Korean and Chinese supporters at Strathfield extraordinary council meeting on 11th August 2015. These placards clearly indicate that this issue is far beyond peaceful, but strongly political.

Because of the factors described above, the comfort woman statue has never been a peaceful monument. It can easily trigger racial hatred and provoke discrimination especially amongst young children and student. In 2014, parents who are concerned with particular bullying and hatred their children experienced have sent a letter to Prime Minister Abe asking for a help. This happened in North America and we can easily assume this can happen in Australia, and this is the reason we have been objecting to the erection of statue since 2014. We must avoid it by all means.

In last 6 months we have been explaining these in detail to Rev Bill Crews and the Uniting Church at numerous occasions, however, so far our concerns have been flatly ignored. Hence we are forced to take a more formal action.

What Rev Crews publicly stated also hightens our fear. In a video Korean group submitted online, he appeared and said that he wants to erect the statue facing the public roads to make “perpetrators apologise.” We believe there are no perpetrators in Ashfield in regards to this issue and we are deeply shocked by being called “perpetrators”.

Later Rev Crews changed his words and stated in public that this statue was “representing not only comfort women but also all the women suffered in war, and even those women suffering domestic violence in today’s society.” We see this as an extremely deceptive and misleading act because the plaques attached to the statue are specifically blaming only Japan. This is clearly a form of racial discrimination by singling out the Japanese race.

The comfort woman issue and suffering of women in war is a universal issue that we should all seriously consider about it. However, it does not make sense if today’s mothers and children are subjected to racial hatred and discrimination because of such statue to honor women. Please let us say that we are only working for local parents who have been sensing tension and animosity since this matter was raised by the Korean group in 2014. We respect freedom of speech and thoughts, but we are also committed to protect our children and also maintain our local community harmony. This is the only thing what we are pursuing.

We would like the statue to be kept somewhere private and discreet so that people who are interested can visit but still we can minimise the risk of causing unnecessary harm to the local community which we should value the most. This should be a fair request.

Our message to fellow Australians is;
The world is increasing complex and turbulent. Our challenge is how to avoid importing foreign conflicts into Australia. For that purpose, the key is we put our community harmony first, not last.

I hope this media release help you understand where we stand. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

Best regards
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
Australia-Japan Community Network




2015年末の慰安婦問題に関する日韓合意以後、日本政府は今年1月18日の参議院での質疑応答で、首相、外務大臣は「日本軍の関与はあったものの、軍や官憲による強制連行を示す資料はなく確認できなかった、20万人の性奴隷という言い方も事実に基づく表現ではない」と言明し、メディアの不適切な記述に対しては申し入れを行っていくと約束しました。多数の女性の名誉と尊厳を深く傷つけた問題ではあるが 「性奴隷、20万人といった事実はない。」「当時の軍の関与の下に」 とは、「慰安婦所の設置、衛生管理および慰安婦の移送について直接および間接的に関与した。慰安婦の募集については軍の要請を受けた業者が行った。」と安倍首相も述べています。また2016年2月16日、国連女性差別撤廃委員会のセッションで、日本政府代表団団長の杉山審議官は「政府の調査では、強制連行の確認はない。20万人という数字の根拠はない。性奴隷という表現は事実に反する。他国の場合も法的に解決済み。」と明言しました。 

今までの事なかれ主義から、事実に基づく情報発信へと日本政府の姿勢を転換させるきっかけを作ったのは、なでしこアクションやAJCNといった民間団体の地道な活動でした。この流れの中で反日グループも、「強制連行」から「女性の人権、人身売買問題」へと矛先を変えざるを得ず、あの朝日新聞もこれに対応して「狭義の強制」から「広義の強制」へと論点のすり替えを行いました。慰安婦(戦時売春婦の婉曲表現)は当時日本では合法であり、第2次大戦後も韓国をはじめ自国や他国の軍のために慰安所を設営した国は複数ありました。このいわゆる「慰安婦システム」の中で働いた女性が慰安婦であり、豪州のJan Ruff O'Herne さんは、前線の兵士の逸脱行為による特定戦争犯罪の犠牲者の一人ではありますが、「日本軍のための慰安婦」ではありません。



■1932年06月04日 毎日新報
処女を誘拐後蹂躙して満州に娼妓として売っていたのを検挙。 これには勇敢な漁師二人が力をちょっと貸した。

■1933年06月30日 東亜日報
路上で少女を拉致、 醜業(売春花屋)に売却。 犯人は韓国人、日本警察が救ってくれる。

■1933年07月01日 東亜日報 
少女誘拐団のトップを逮捕。 この女性は主に幼い少女たちを誘い出し、売春宿に売り飛ばしていたが、日本の警察が逮捕。

■1935年03月07日 東亜日報 
中国上海暗黒街に約2000人余りの朝鮮人女性が。遠征売春婦のために朝鮮人の威厳が傷つけられた。彼女たちの惨憺たる生活に対し的確な対策を打つことはできない。 なぜなら、経済的な問題による自発的な労働なので、対策を立てることができないと残念がる内容。

■1936年02月14日 毎日新報

■1936年05月14日 毎日新報

■1936年07月09日 毎日新報
娘を誘引し、売春を強制した行商魔女の罪状 。犯人はファンクムチョン、パククムヒ、イドクスンという朝鮮人3人。純真な女性を誘引し、中国人に売春を強要した。日本の警察が検挙して被害女性たちを救出。

■1939年03月28日 東亜日報

■1939年03月28日 毎日新報

■1939年08月05日 東亜日報
処女貿易の誘引魔。 日本人女性を誘引し、中国に売り飛ばそうとしているところを日本の警察が検挙。

■1939年8月31日 東亜日報 
