




                       AJCN/AJCNジャパン代表 江川純世

2021年10月1日のブログ記事「日韓『併合時代』の真実 英語版PDF完成について」で予告していた英語版の本(A5版、表紙カラー)としての刊行が今年3月に決定し、10月末に刊行されました。ネイティブ・チェックも入り、英語の質も高められています。刊行後一斉に全世界の関係機関、関係者に配布中です。


【水間政憲氏のオリジナル本表紙】と 【英語版表紙】






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2022年8月24日 AJCN代表 江川純世

昨年2021年から、米国ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィア市の公園に慰安婦像を設置する計画が進んでいます。 平和の像計画 the Statue of Peace projectと称していますが、韓国ソウル日本大使館前の慰安婦像と同じものです。設置活動の中心となっているのはフィラデルフィアの韓国系の団体 The Korean American Association of Greater Philadelphia (KAAGP)です。 資金集めサイトには、「 1932-1945年に日本帝国陸軍によって強制的に性奴隷にされたアジアとオセアニア地域の20万人の少女と女性 (200,000 girls and women from Asia and Oceania who were removed from their homes and coerced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan between 1932 and 1945.)」を記念するためと書いてあります。 このフィラデルフィア慰安婦像計画に対して、韓国ソウルで市民団体が反対の声明を発表しました。



1.3月中旬、フィラデルフィア市長は、この論争の的となっている問題のすべての側面が明らかになるまで、決定を「延期」することを決定しました。 日本人会、AJCNはじめ世界中からの反対意見の声が市に届き、市長のこの判断に至ったと日本人会からお礼の報告がありました。


3.しかしながら最新のニュースでは、今まで12カ月ほど活動していなかった設置推進グループによるフォーマル・プレゼンテーションが9月19 日の委員会で行われるとのことです。これはたぶん、韓国大統領が今年、保守系の尹錫悦氏に代わり、日韓関係が改善される兆しが見えてきたので、「切迫感」が推進グループを突き動かし、今、設置許可を勝ち取ろうとしているのではないか、または次期市長選に出馬する候補が、このスキャンダルになりそうな案件を現市長の間に処理させようとしているのではという見方があります。この9月19日のSpecial Meetingでは慰安婦像設置問題に関するコメントや意見を求めておりますので是非、意見を下記のメルアドに送ってください。


1) Phiadelphia市  city.rep@phila.gov
2)フィラデルフィア日本人会Japanese Association of Greater Philadelphia(JAPG)


【申請されている設置予定場所】 ペンシルバニア州道95号線に沿ったFront Street











AJCNは現地の反対の意思を表明している日本人会(Japanese Association of Greater Phiadelphia)をサポートしています。

Mr. Jim Kenney, The Mayor of Philadelphia

Re: The installation plan of “Statue of Peace” in your city

My name is Sumiyo Egawa, a Japanese resident of Sydney, Australia, and the President of the Australia-Japan Community Network (aka AJCN).  AJCN is a small volunteer group of Australian and Japanese parents concerned about the safety and security of our children living in Australia.   

I am extremely saddened to hear about your plan to install an art object, the so-called "Statue of Peace," in your city.  I object to the proposed project for the following five reasons.

  1. "Statue of Peace" cannot be classified as art
    There are at least a dozen similar statues in the US alone, some in Europe and almost fifty in South Korea.*1     Statues of Peace have no originality, and manufacturing the statues has been a lucrative business for the Korean couple sculptors Kim Seo-kyung and Kim Eun-sung.  They have duplicated the original Comfort Woman statue or similar ones since 2011.  

  2. Korean Activists Use “Statue of Peace” for the purposes of Japan Discounting and Bashing
    In the case of the “Statue of Peace” in Glendale in 2013, Glendale Mayor Dave Weaver was not sufficiently informed of the script's content upon the Statue, before it was constructed.  Later, the Mayor issued a letter of regret about Comfort Women Memorial.*2  The engraved fabricated message unfairly targeted and condemned Japan, and Japanese soldiers, who fought during WWII.  On the other hand, the inscriptions conceal Korean soldiers’ atrocious behaviour towards Vietnamese women during the Vietnam War, resulting in the births of many Korean-Vietnamese children, known as Lai Dai Han.

  3. Anti-Japan Romanticism is known as Han-Nichi in South Korea
    A few years after WWII ended, successive Korean governments used negative Romanticism for its political advantages and propaganda against Japan.  The Korean education system implanted the Anti-Japan mindset within Korean children's tender minds.  This phenomenon is openly explained in the book "Anti-Japan Tribalism," written by the six Korean academics, published in 2019.*3  This book is written in the Korean language to inform ordinary Koreans of the truth about Comfort Women.

  4. The mini-battlefield of For and Against Comfort Woman Statue in Seoul
    Since the first statue was built in Seoul in 2011, opposite to the Japanese Embassy building, the Anti-Japan campaign has intensified.   Since 1992, the so-called “Wednesday Demonstration” has been conducted in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul Korea, every Wednesday, and organizers collect donations.    However, after the publication of “Anti-Japan Tribalism,” many enlightened Korean youths led by Professor Lee Woo-yeon have counteracted and confronted against Anti-Japan activists at the same spot, face to face.*4   Although the Japanese Embassy has re-located, the surrounding area of the Statue remains as a mini battlefield between For and Anti Comfort Woman Statue advocates.   A similar movement occurred in front of the Japanese Consulate in Sydney every Wednesday.  However, since the Korean activists failed to set up a Comfort Woman Statue in the Sydney suburb of Strathfield in 2015, such activities faded away and eventually halted.*5

  5. Korea's claim about Comfort Women as Sex Slaves is a malicious lie
    On December 1, 2020, the American Legal Scholar, Professor J. Mark Ramseyer at Harvard University, published the well-researched paper, “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War,” explicitly explaining that Comfort Women were not Sex Slaves but wartime prostitutes during WWII.*6   Various primary sources support Ramseyer's paper.  Nevertheless, Ramseyer was viciously and emotionally attacked, and labelled a history revisionist by Korean supporters.  Ramseyer had called for written dissents from critics, but only a very few responded to Ramseyer’s request.   Recently, Ramseyer has written and published a paper, “CONTRACTING FOR SEX IN THE PACIFIC WAR; A RESPONSE TO MY CRITICS,” in which he demonstrated his research’s authenticity.

Briefly, I have explained the background and hidden agendas behind the “Peace Statue,” and I am sincerely asking you to acknowledge that Philadelphia has no relation to Korean War Time Prostitution.  Please reconsider building a false statue, which will bring no peace and happiness, but create negativity and hurt. Such negativity is unnecessary and creates unprecedented conflict within your community, as well as sending biased information about Japan to young children. Accordingly, Philadelphia is not a suitable place to display a "Peace Statue" in a public area. The Statue will not bring peace and harmony into your city, but hatred, division and unnecessary trouble. Philadelphia does not need such a negative monument. 

Thank you for your kind attention to my letter.

Yours faithfully
Sumiyo Egawa

*1 Ward Thomas D. & Lay William D.”World II Comfort Women Memorials in the United States,” E-International Relations Publishing, 2019.
*2 Brittany Levine. “Mayor Dave Weaver’s letter states regret about “Comfort Women” Memorial.” News-Press, November 2, 2013. 
*3 Lee Yong-hoo, Joung An-ki, Kim Nak-nyeon, Kim Young-sam, Ju Ik-jong and Lee Woo-yeon. “Anti-Japan Tribalism.”  Tokyo: Bungeishunjū, 2019.  
*4 "South Koreans grapple with convention-busting bestseller on Japan."  NIKKKEI Asia.   https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Japan-South-Korea-rift/South-Koreans-grapple-with-convention-busting-bestseller-on-Japan
*5 The Strathfield Council members voted against the construction of the Comfort Woman statue in the public arena.  Australia is a multicultural society and values peace, harmony and tolerance.  https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/threats-insults-and-tyres-slashed-in-strathfield-over-comfort-women-memorial-20150814-giz7ri.html
Harvard Law School John M. Olin Centre Discussion Paper No. 1075, February, 2022.
Ramseyer, J.M. “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War.” International Review of Law and Economics 65(2021) 105971, December 1, 2020,