

Japan community Network (JCN) のブログをスタートしました

2014年4月1日、ストラスフィールド市議会にて、中韓反日団体から提出された「慰安婦像設置申請」について、公聴会が開かれました。当該中韓反日団体(Austral China Korea Alliance against Japanese War Crime)が設立されたのが2月XX日。全豪に10基の慰安婦像を建てることを目指して、最初のターゲットにされたのが中韓系移民が3割を占めるストラスフィールドでした。韓国系の副市長が自ら旗振り役となり、ストラスフィールド地区選出の州議員や連邦議員を巻き込んで、日系住民が気が付かないうちに建ててしまおうという一気呵成な攻勢に対し、地元の母親たちが危機感を感じて市にコンタクトし始めたのはすでに3月も後半。また、なでしこアクション(山本優美子代表)のイニシアチブによる抗議文が市に届きだしたのもこの頃でした。日本側の動きを察知した副市長が、意図的に日程を早めた公聴会が4月1日。スピーチを用意するために、初対面の日本人が集まったのが前日3月31日の夜でした。お互いの名前もうろ覚えのままに団結して可決を防いだ公聴会直後の週末4月5日、公聴会に集まって行動したメンバーがカフェに集まり、グループを立ち上げることにしました。グループ名はJCN (Japan Community Network)と決めました。


JCNの事務局がこのサイトを管理しています。何かご意見、ご要望、ご質問があれば、jcnaus@googlegroups.com までお寄せください。

(和文 JCN設立趣旨書 )






(英文JCN設立趣旨書 Prospectus for Japan Community Network )

Until now, Japanese organisations and groups in Australia have established themselves with the aim of facilitating mutual friendships and building harmonious relationships with their local communities and have engaged in activities towards such end. However, at this time, where it seems likely that the Strathfield Council of NSW is taking part in plans to erect a "Comfort Women" statue proposed by those foreign groups with clear anti-Japanese sentiment under consideration, the issues which until now had been thought to lie across the water have suddenly been dropped on our doorstep and are now a real and imminent problem. Although a group of several mothers concerned for the  well-being of their children and for the future generation have bravely put up strong opposition to this unexpected and shocking turn of events, the Japanese community did not unite as a collective to address the issue constructively. One of the underlying reasons for this is that existing Japanese groups strongly believe that their goal should be to pursue "mutual friendship" at all times, and that they should not involve themselves in political activities.

In response to this, we have decided to establish a community network whose aim rather than the pursuit of "mutual friendship" is to engage in efforts to effectively address these specific problems which have now emerged. Firstly, we do not perceive activities which oppose the current plans to erect a "comfort women" statue to be political, because the impetus for such activities is not based on any specific political ideas but rather arises from the desire to promote "mutual friendship" with the immigrant communities and peace and tranquility within the local communities and from the universal goal as concerned residents and citizens to protect the present and future generation of  children. To fulfill this goal, we will engage in lawful activities deemed acceptable in a democratic society and extend to include activities aimed at reaching out to the government and politicians.

Our motto is based on non-confrontational rationalism. We refrain from engaging in hostile activities based on feelings of hatred when we encounter conflicts of opinion and assert our ideas and opinions in a calm and rational manner and in a way that does not offend the multicultural community aiming at all times to bring about a peaceful reconciliation and finding a way for all of us to coexist in harmony and achieve mutual prosperity. An example of this is at the recent (April 1, 2014) public hearing regarding the erection of the "comfort women" statue held in Strathfield Town Hall where despite the intense accusations made by the other party describing Japan's behaviour as outrageous, we refrained from retaliating and responding heatedly and instead focused on making a coherent and rational appeal explaining that these plans could lead  to the risk of promoting discrimination towards Japanese people or bullying of children of Japanese heritage at school, that they deviate from the policy established by the city itself and conflict with Australia's ideal of multiculturalism. We believe that this gained us a lot of sympathy from the non-Japanese community. We will take the same position when dealing with any future incidents. Our aim is to win a victory based on the good common sense of the community encompassing the opinions of a variety of races rather than simply a political victory for the Japanese community.

We are not a community network consisting only of Japanese and Japanese descendants. We work in collaboration with the non-Japanese community who share our values of multiculturalism. As an organisation, we share the motto outlined above, however, we are completely neutral both politically and religiously and our members have absolute freedom to follow and practice any political and religious beliefs they choose. While we may collaborate with a specific political party, we do not coerce our members to cooperate with or support any particular political party. Our main goal is to engage in activities for the common cause of ensuring the welfare of the Japanese community as a whole.

It is rare to find such a peaceful society as exists in Australia anywhere else in the world. However, saying that, a hopeful future in which our peaceful lifestyle is preserved should not be taken for granted and should not be left in the hands of others counting on the goodwill and decency of all people. As such, we will continue to work on specific issues as moral citizens, withstanding the duty  of care for concerned parents who wish to protect our children.

April 6, 2014