




Open Letter

October 20, 2020
Mr. Stephan von Dassel
The Mayor of Mitte city 
Der Bezirlsbürgemeister,
Bezirksamt Mitte, Berlin Germany

Dear Mr Dassel,

Re: Comfort Woman Statue: A means for discounting, isolating and exploiting Japan

Figure 1. The opening ceremony of the Comfort woman Statue in front of the Glendale Central Library, Glendale California, the US; A woman holding a large portrait of the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzou Abe with a Hakenkreuz (Swastika) on his face, propagating Prime Minster Abe as Adolf Hitler, July 31, 2013.

My name is Sumiyo Egawa, a resident of Sydney Australia, and the President of Australia-Japan Communication Network (aka AJCN).  AJCN is a small volunteer group of Australian and Japanese parents, who are concerned about the safety and security of the minority ethnic groups’ children live in Australian.  The current activity of AJCN is mainly, protecting children of Japanese heritage from schoolyard bullying by other children who might be misinformed and misguided by Anti-Japan propagandists, in particular activists affiliated with Chinese and Koreans groups.
The purpose of writing this letter to you is to express my, the AJCN members, and many other Japanese (in and outside of Japan)’ disappointment and sorrow at the news that you have withdrawn the previous decision to remove Comfort Woman Statue from your city, the Mitte District of Berlin.   Your decision enables the Korean group to continue propagating their ambitious, corrupted and commercialized political Anti-Japan campaign until the Court's decision is delivered.  Through this letter, I am trying to explain the truth behind Comfort Woman Statue in order to avoid engulfing Mitte, an unrelated city, into an ugly dispute over Comfort Woman Statues, a matter of contention between Japan and Korea. 

Korean Comfort Women were Well paid prostitutes during WWII
Firstly, please consider the context that all “evidence” that Koreans claim support that the Imperial Japanese Military Force kidnapped 200,000 Korean girls and made them as sexual slaves (euphemized to Comfort Women during WWII) are based on malicious lies, designed to harm and discount Japan’ reputation.  
These Korean wartime prostitutes earned attractive amounts of incomes (equivalent or more than a Japanese Army Colonel’s income; for example, Ms Moon Okuju, one of the Ex-Comfort Woman’s bank account balance shows that she could buy three free-standing houses in Tokyo in the 1940s, attached Photo. 4) and worked at various brothels in Asian war zones*1.   The Imperial Japanese Military did assist and protect these prostitutes' movements from the Korean peninsula to various brothels and vice versa as there were no sufficient and safe means of transportation during the war.  The Japanese Army was also concerned for these prostitute’s welfare and health.  On the other hand, there were no major violent incident or mistreatment against prostitutes by the Japanese Military.  There was No major violent incident between prostitutes and Japanese soldiers reported in newspaper articles, official documents and primary sources available, except for one isolated case in Indonesia.  The Japanese Government has officially admitted the Semarang incidents in the Dutch East Indies, in where Ms Jane Ruff O’Herne and some other Dutch women were forced into prostitution by a few Japanese soldiers.  The Japanese Government has apologized and compensated those Dutch women, and the Japanese soldiers involved in this case were severely punished, and one of them was sentenced to death by hanging.  The late Ms Jane Ruff O’Herne was the only Ex-Dutch Comfort Woman, who campaigned against Japan with the Korean Anti-Japan propagandist group.  
*1 Mizuma Masanori 2013, Hitomedewakaru Nikkannheigo Jidai no Shinjyutu (The truth about the Japan-Korea Annexation Period), PHP Laboratory, Chiyoda-ku, Tky. 
Nishioka Tutomu, Comfort women were not Sex Slaves, from; https://jinf.jp/weekly/archives/24555

Lai Dai Han 
By contrast, there is abundant of information about Korean soldiers' atrocious behaviours against Vietnamese women, children and ordinary citizens.   The solid living evidence of the Korean soldiers' violent rape rampages against the Vietnamese women, are the children born between the Korean soldiers and raped Vietnam women victims, namely Lai Dai Han*2.  The behaviour of the Anti-Japan activists of Chinese and Korean has clearly exhibited a contradicting and biased campaign not mentioning about Lai Dai Han.  Their covert agenda and motivation are not to fight against sexual violence towards women, but a politically motivated smear campaign against Japan.   Since the Japan- Korea Annexation Treaty became invalid after WWII, consecutive South Korean Governments created and utilized Anti-Japan Romanticism to control its people, which is still effectively used as an ultimate manoeuvring tool by the Koren Government today*3.  
*2 “Sculpture to Honour Lai Dai Han and Victims of Sexual Violence Installed in Central London," from;  https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sculpture-to-honour-lai-dai-han-and-victims-of-sexual-violence-installed-in-central-london-300892428.html
*3 Mizuma 2010, “The Truth about Japan-Kore Annexation 日韓併合の真実,” Tokuma Shoten; TYK.

The two key Korean women behind the Comfort Women Statue Campaigning
  • Mrs Yoon Mi-hyang – the Chairperson of Justice Memory Solidarity Organization (JMS)
  • Ms Lee Yong-soo  –  an icon representing Ex-Comfort Woman
Korea’s Anti-Japan propaganda had been managed by the chairperson of Justice Memory Solidarity (JMS) Mrs Yoon Mi-hyang (now a member of the South Korean Parliament), who was accused by Ms Lee Yong-soo over allegations that she embezzled donations raised for so called Comfort Women on May 8, 2020*4.   Currently, Mrs Yoon has been under investigation.  Cynically, this plaintiff, Ms Lee, who had been the famous icon representing Ex-Comfort Women, also deceived the world for the last 30 years.  On her face book, Mrs Yoon confessed that Ms Lee Yong-soo was not a Comfort Woman*5.   Ms Lee was a fake Ex-Comfort Woman.
Astonishingly, however, Yoon Mi-hyang and Ms Lee Yong-soo had made several trips together with other activists to the US to participate in many Anti-Japan activities, including a protest against the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during his visit to Washington in May 2015.   Ms Lee and other activists were invited to Washington by an organization, namely the Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues, to stage a protest and demand a formal apology from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.   
Prior to the 2015 trip, Ms Lee Yong-soo pretending as the victim of the Imperial Japanese Military delivered her fabricated emotional oral testimony at the Lower House of US Congress on February 15, 2007.  Eventually, Ms Lee and other women’s efforts resulted in Resolution of 121(H.Res.121 on July 30, 2007), which labelled Japan as a nation violated human rights, and committed one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century*7.  
 Incidentally, the Korean President Moon Jae-in invited Ms Lee, as a special guest to the state dinner for the US President Trump on November 7, 2017 (attached Photo. 9)*8.   The American politicians, including President Trump were all fooled by the two Con Korean women Mrs Yoon Mi-hyang and Ms Lee Yong-soo.  Mrs Yoon, the chairperson of JMS and  Lee, the faked Ex-Comfort Woman have deceived the world and exploited money form honest good citizens for the last 30 years.  For Ms Lee, it's show business (Lee’s testimonies, including her age, changed several times), and for Mrs Yoon, Ms Lee was a tool for her ulcerative business.  Presently, the two women are accusing each other. 
*4 Kim So-hyun, The Korean Herald, “Activist for comfort women grilled over embezzlement,” August 14, 2020,  http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20200814000604
*5 Hanjin Lew, Possibly Not a Comfort Woman? Isn’t Time for Historical accuracy on the Comfort Women Issue? May 13, 2020, from;
*6 Constable Pamela, “70 years later, a Korean ‘comfort woman’s demands apology from Japan’” The Washington Post, April 22, 2015, from; 
*7 K.Connie Kang, “House vote on sex slaver cheered,” Los Angeles Times, August 1, 2007, from;
McCarthy, M Mary, “How the Japan-Korea ‘Comfort Women Debate Plays out in the US,” from; https://thediplomat.com/2017/08/how-the-japan-korea-comfort-women-debate-plays-out-in-the-us/
"House of Hearing on WW2 Korean comfort Women," viewed October 10, 2020, from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7SXLujNcgg
*8 Korea JoongAng Daily, In association with The New York Times, "Trump meets with 'comfort woman' during state dinner, viewed October 14, 2020, from;

AJCN vs KACA in Sydney, Australia
Perhaps, my group, the AJCN is one of the only few volunteer groups that has successfully prevented the Korean and Chinese Anti-Japan activist group (The United Austral Korean-Chinese Alliance against Japanese War Crimes, KACA)’ deceitful underhanded movements designed to erect Comfort Woman Statues in public places.  In the case of Glendale Council California in the US, the City Council was not informed about the inscription on the plaque, which includes the most inflammatory phrase: "I was a sex slave of the Japanese military.”*9   
In 2014, Some Japanese residents in Sydney and I received an urgent message from Japan that KACA had approached the local City Council for its permission to erect a Comfort Woman Statue in a little station square adjacent to Strathfield Railway Station.   A small group of Australian and Japanese residents courageously stood up against the majority Chinese and Korean community at a public debate session over Comfort Woman Statue.  Our sincere and passionate plea for a harmonious community for our children to the members of Council reached their hearts and conscience, and all the Councillors unanimously rejected KACA’s request on August 11, 2015.   Before the open debates, a survey was conducted, and more than 70% of Strathfield residents voted NO to the Comfort Woman Statue.   
KACA postulated "The Eight Objectives" in Journal of the Korean Society of Sydney September, 2014 edition.  In which, they declared that they would work for the interest of Korea and China in KACA newsletter as below*10.
*9 Thomas J. Ward & William D. Lay, “Park Statue Politics: World war II comfort women Memorials in the United States,” E-International Relations Publishing, Bristol, England, 2019, p. 72,  viewed April 2019 from;  https://www.e-ir.info/publication/park-statue-politics-world-war-ii-comfort-women-memorials-in-the-united-states/
*10 KACA 8 points strategy, attached at the end of this letter

KACA’s Eight Ambitions listed on its news latter 
  1. We will strongly accuse the Japanese Prime Minister Abe and other politicians for visiting the Yasukuni Shrine and demand an apology to Korea and China

  2. We will hold exhibitions, forums and seminars to teach the second generations of Koreas and Chinese people in Australia and Australian citizens about the resurgence of Japanese militarism, history revisionism and war crimes such as ‘Comfort women’ and the ‘Nanjing Massacre’.

  3. We will erect statues of the ‘Three Sisters’ in Australia in order to inform people widely about the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in the name of “Comfort Women”; kidnapping of young Korean, Chinese and other Asian women and turned them into sex-slaves.

  4. We will lead the consensus to pressure the Japanese government to stop revisionism so that we can prevent the good-hearted Japanese people, who have been silent, from waking up to teach the false history to future generations of Japanese.

  5. We will demand that the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott acknowledge the Japanese invasion and violations of women’ human right during World War II, and correct his mistake in thinking that Japan is Australia’s best friend in Asia.

  6. We will urge the Australian government to change their thinking towards Japan as their ally, and demand their foreign policies that currently lean towards Japan to be changed so that Australia will treat Korea and China equally with Japan.

  7. We will urge the US government not to be deceived by Japan acknowledge the dark evil intention of Prime Minister Abe, stop remilitarization of Japan and change their foreign policies that put Japan first before Korea and China.

  8. We will hereby announce that both Korean and Chinese people will work together for the benefits of both countries and we will continue our activities until the above mention aims are fulfilled.

KACA’s Eight Points strategy are not reflecting Anti-sexual violence against Women, it is political propagandas against Japan. 

Australian Multiculturalism & Mate-ship
Since abolishing the White Australian Policy in 1972, Australian society has changed dramatically from White Supremacism to Multiculturalism in 1978.  Australia has embraced migrants from all over the world, and new arrivals have enjoyed the egalitarianism based, long-standing Australian Mate-ship basis of society, where everybody acknowledges and respects each other's different backgrounds, and live harmoniously.  Therefore, the majority of Strathfield residents saw KACA's movement as disturbing and destructive to harmonious society.   Since the City Council did not permit the Chinese and Korean group to erect the Comfort Women statue in Strathfield Railway Station Square, it is currently placed in the car park of Ashfield Uniting Church.   Rev. Bill Crews supports his Korean Christian followers and the statue (attached Photo. 6).    

Research on Comfort Women Statues in Parks and Politics started at Freiburg & Beethoven Symphony No. 9
Similar to KACA, some Korean groups in the US have already built several Comfort Woman statues in the US, and these groups’ tactful political agendas were analytically examined by the two American Professors; Thomas J. Ward and William D. Lay of the University of Bridgeport in Wisconsin (Madison).  The two Professors researched over three years about statues built in the US.  They have travelled to Japan, Korea and Taiwan and published their paper, “Park Statue Politics: World War II Comfort Women Memorials in the United States.” *11  The two Professors’ excellent works are no comparison to the prejudiced Special Rapporteur Radhika Coomaraswamy’s Report to the UN Commission on Human Rights, Violence against Women.   Ms Coomaraswamy was appointed by then, the UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon (South Korean), had a few weeks of field studies based on fictitious books, such as George Hicks’s book, “The Comfort Woman,”*12 and oral confessions, which are often inconsistent from some self-claimed ex-Comfort Women.*13  
Initially, Professors Ward and Lay’s curiosity about Comfort Woman Statue in public parks was triggered by the news about an incident when would the first Comfort Woman Statue erected in Freiburg, Germany on September 8, 2016.   Freiburg’s Japanese sister city Matsuyama-shi of Shikoku Province and many Japanese who were motivated by the renown Japanese Modern history researcher and journalist Masanori Mizuma’s call for prevention, and this successfully deterred the Korean group’s plan to erect a Comfort Woman Statue in Freiburg.   For the people in Shikoku Province, particularly, the citizens of Naruto-city of Tokushima Prefecture, have preserved their affectionate feeling towards Germany.  The citizens were the first Japanese audiences, who heard Beethoven Symphony No. 9 alive, played by the German prisoners of war in WWI.   About 1,000 German POWs were interned in the Bando POW Camp in Naruto- city Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku Province of Japan.   The interned German POWs and the local community developed a warm relationship, and on June 1, 1918, before the POWs returned homeland, they played Beethoven Symphony No. 9 to the citizen showing their appreciation for the local’s hospitality.*14  The German cultures (from politics/economics, brewing, sausages, Baumkuchen), in Japan, started from Shikoku Province.*15  
The Freiburg City Council did not grant its consent to the Korean group to build a Comfort Woman Statue in Freiburg, and the statue has been placed in a private sector in Wiesent, Bavaria in March 2017.  
*11 Thomas J. Ward & William D. Lay, “Park Statue Politics: World war II comfort women Memorials in the United States,” E-International Relations Publishing, Bristol, England, 2019, p. 72, from;  https://www.e-ir.info/publication/park-statue-politics-world-war-ii-comfort-women-memorials-in-the-united-states/
*12 Hicks, G 1995, “The Comfort women,” Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, St Leonards, NSW Australia
*13 Coomaraswamy, R 1998, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms Radhika Coomaraswamy, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1994/45; Report on the mission to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Japan the issue of military sexual slavery in wartime, from;  https://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/commission/country52/53-add1.htm
*14 Sakamoto Takako, “Bando POW Camp Site, Tokushima,” May 15, 2014, viewed  on October 14, from; https://en.japantravel.com/tokushima/bando-pow-camp-site-tokushima/12753
*15 The miracle of Bando Prisoner’s camp – The story of the history of Japan and Germany that you should know – The spirit of samurai’s compassion and philanthropy sowed the seeds of German culture in Japan, from;    https://translate.google.com.au/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.newsdigest.de/newsde/features/6907-kriegsgefangenenlager-bando/&prev=search&pto=aue

The Historical Background:  Korean Women and Prostitution Business & Gisaeng Tradition
Korean claim that Korean Comfort Women during WWII were sex slaves of the Japanese Army is a malicious and fabricated accusation.   Korea has a unique traditional custom namely, Gisaeng (entertainers with some music, dancing and other skills and they were often associated with prostitution), which had a centuries-long history.  In her book, "Korea and her neighbour," the British author and traveller Mrs Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop explained regarding Gisaeng schools, that girls at a very early age were trained to become accomplished entertainers, such as official musicians and dancers.  The high-class Gisaeng schools were operated by a department in the Yi Dynasty of Joseon (1392-1910) government and financially supported by its Treasury department.   Mainly, the groomed Gisaengs from these high-class schools worked at the Yi Dynasty's Court, and on-demand from its suzerain state, many of others were sent to the Ming Dynasty (China)'s court as a part of customary tributes and gratitude offerings.   Nonetheless, the majority of Giasaeng schools were run privately.   Although girls (most of the girls were either sold or indentured to Gisaeng schools through prostitute recruiting brokers by their families) were given some dancing, singing and some other skills, their ultimate destiny was within the field of entertainment and prostitution.*16   
*16 Isabella Lucy Bird Bishop, “Korea and her neighbour,” Fleming H Revell Company, New York 1898.

Prostitution was lawful in Japan and the Korean Peninsula
Prostitution was lawful in Japan and the Korean Peninsula during the Japan-Korea Annexation era (1910-1945) and overtly operated before, during and after WWII, until 2004.  Therefore, many Gisaengs might have become Comfort Women for better financial arrangements at brothels in war-affected regions during WWII, and within brothels in the vicinity of Allied camps in the Korean peninsula during and after WWII, Korean and Vietnam wars.*17    
For example, when the Allied’ occupation of the Korean peninsula commenced, US troops began arriving in large members.    The first South Korean president, Syngman Rhee, established five exclusive brothels (aka "Texas villages") for the Allied soldiers in the city of old and new Masan in 1950.   Moreover, the Korean Military Headquarter managed and operated four other brothels in cities such as Seoul and Gangneung.*18   These Texas villages were one source of critical revenues of the Korean Governments (during Presidents Syngman Rhee and Park Chung-hee regimes) to gain foreign currencies.*19   The status quo under such an environment was well portrayed in the essay, “The American Occupation of Korea,” written by Professors William W Stueck and Boram Yi, that some Korean women resorted to prostitution to provide income for themselves and their families during the Allied occupation between 1945 and 1960s.*20  Yet, not all the American soldiers happily availed themselves of this arrangement by the Korean Government and some soldiers could not deter themselves from making blatant passes at non-professional local Korean women.  Such ill-mannered Allied soldiers sparked resentment and sometimes open hatred in Korean men.  Professors Stueck and Yi state in their essay, that when American males made passes at Korean women, it was defined as rape in a manger, regardless of whether the act involved physical contact or not.  Thus, rape reports to authorities and prosecutions against occupying soldiers by the Koreans occurred frequently.  
*17 Mizuma Masanori 2014, Hitomede wakaru Ianfu Mondai no Shinjutu, PHP Laboratory, Chiyoda-ku, Tky.
*18 Ditto
*19 Ditto
*20 William Stuek & Boram Yi 2010, “An Alliance Forged in Blood’: The American Occupation of Korea Alliance,” The Journal of Strategic studies, 33:2, 177-209.

There were NO Surge of revolts against Japanese authorities by Korean men
Professors Stueck and Yi emphasised that Korean men were sensitive and protective of their women concerning the Allied soldiers' behaviour towards their women.  Cynically, however, the two professors' statements alone embody the current Koreans' claim that the Japanese Army forcibly removed over 200,000 Korean young women (which means, based on the total population of 24,326,327 in 1940, approximately, one in 20 women aged between 17-25 were kidnapped by Japanese soldiers) from their homes, is unconvinced.   Nevertheless, had such incidents occurred within the Korean peninsula in 1936-45, there would be a surge of revolts against Japanese authorities by Korean men.  Yet, there has never been one man to come forward to testify that he witnessed an incident of the kidnapping of a Korean woman by Japanese soldiers.   Neither was any such a report notified to Police stations (80% were Korean policeman) nor does a newspaper article exist.  Note, although many Korean men volunteered to fight in Japan's armies in WWII, or provided much of the labour for them behind the lines, the majority of men remained in the Korean peninsula.  
Furthermore, even the two widely regarded and nonaligned the American official documents; Report No. 49 (The United States Office of War Information 1944: Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution Report No. 49),*21 which was discovered by an American citizen Tony Marano (Murotani & Marano 2015, p.51); and the 2007 IWG report (Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group final report to the United States Congress)*22 brought to the fore by the American journalist Michael Yon, have failed to endorse or support the current Korean claim of atrocity and criminality over the Korean Comfort Women during WWII. These two American official documents provide supplementary evidence, clearly stating that Comfort Women were wartime prostitutes, not sex slaves.  
There is another American official document, the Korean War Prisoner Interrogation Report 1538 (1945) which has recently been publicly disclosed by Professor Toyomi Asano at Waseda University, assisted by the staff of Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shinbun.   This document also denies Japanese military involvement in the coercive mobilization of Korean Women. The document was written based on the evidence of 100 captured war prisoners by the American army in the South Pacific region. Three Korean Navy civilians were interrogated, and they stated that Korean Comfort Women were either being sold to private prostitute recruiting brokers by their families or became Comfort Women of their own free will.  These respondents also postulated that if such coercive mobilizations had happened, there would be many uprisings and riots against the Japanese Army.*23  
*21 United States Office of War Information 1944, Report No. 49: Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution, from; http://www.exordio.com/1939-1945/codex/Documentos/report-49-USA-orig.html
*22 Weinstein, A, Baer, T H, Holtzman, E, Veniste T H, The Attorney General, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Historian of the Department of State, National Security Council, Director of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum & The Secretary of Defense, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 2007, Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group final report to the United States Congress, 1-880875-30-6, viewed March 8, 2016, from; https://www.archives.gov/iwg/reports/final-report-2007.pdf
*23 Eager, "Uncovered the US Military Records Reveal True Status of Korean comfort women," from;    http://www.eagerexec.com/composite-report-three-korean-navy-civilians/

Korean Prostitution Today
In 2004, the South Korean Government made prostitution illegal.  Although many Korean prostitutes protested against the new law, their request quashed.  Eventually, many Korean prostitutes opted to leave South Korea, and work in overseas.   According to the representative of the Prevention of International Prostitution Organization (aka as NFS- Not for Sale), Professor David Bastone declared, that one out of four prostitutes working in the US (23.5%) and one in five (17%) in Australia, are Korean women (Chosun Ilbo, July 23, 2012).  The member of the Korean Congress, Paku Son’yon also announced that approximately 100,000 Korean women are working outside of South Korea, of which 50,000 were in neighbouring Japan.  In the same year, the South Korean Government requested several Sydney councils to inquire and report the number of Korean nationals working in the sex industry in Australia.*24 Jin Soo Kim, the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Sydney stated that if a Korean national engaged in sex work outside Korea then he or she is still liable for prosecution in Korea (ABC News, February 6, 2012).*25  Nonetheless, Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families: The 2010 Annual Report informs that Sex Industry business revenue is 8.71 trillion Won (approximately, US$7,413 million), which accounts for about 5% of South Korea's total GDP.*26
South Korea has feverishly condemned Japan over Comfort Women issues.  However, on June 27, 2011, the Annual Report of the US Department of State (Annual Report of United States Department of State, The Department of State's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour) said that Korea was the major supplier of "would be victimized men and women, who would be forced into prostitution".*27  
*27 “June 27, 2011, the Annual Report of the US Department of State,” from;    https://www.refworld.org/publisher,USDOS,,,50ffbce56e5,,0.html

I sincerely hope that I have explained well enough to make you understand that so-called Comfort Women were not the Japanese Military’s sex slaves, and Comfort Women statues have been used as covert Anti-Japan political campaigns waged by Korean activists.   Korean activists deceitfully attempted to draw parallels between Korean Comfort Women to Nazi’s atrocity toward Jews, and Ex-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Adolf Hitler.
We, the Japanese and our Governments have repeatedly expressed our compassion and sympathy to those Comfort Women who had to work as prostitutes to support their families and themselves during WWII, and to those Dutch women, who indeed, were the victim of the Japanese soldiers’ unacceptable atrocious behaviour in Indonesia, for which we have sincerely apologized.   On December 28, 2015, Japanese and Korean Governments reached the final and irreversible agreement over the Comfort Women issue.  The Japanese Government gave ¥10 million (US$8.3 million) to the Korean Government for Ex- Comfort Women’ welfare on the compassion and sympathy base, and the majority of women received money, and there were only a handful women who did not.   Although the two nations reached the 2015 final and irreversible agreement, the controversial argument is still being perpetuated for the achievement of various agendas.   
Behind, the Comfort Woman Statues; there has been the fake Ex-Comfort Woman, Ms Lee Yong-soo, who was utilized as a means by Mrs Yoon Mi-hyang and her organization to propagating Anti-Japan campaigns.  Mrs Yoon had strong financiers and supporters; Seoul Mayor Park Won Soon, who committed suicide on July 9, 2020; the consecutive South Korean Governments; and several Chinese Communist Anti-Japan activist organizations, such as Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia in the US.  

Finally, Koreans built a Japanese Ex-Prime Minister Abe's statue kneeling on the ground to a Comfort Woman Statue at the Korean botanic Garden in Pyeong Chang on July, 2020.   Why would Evangelical Church in Berlin (EKD) and Ashfield Uniting Church in Sydney tolerate such an insult toward a particular nation’s leader, and support Koreans and CCP political propaganda against Japan?   Why do you have to have a Comfort Women Statue in Mitte? 

Figure 2. An insulting statue of Japanese PM Abe at the Korean botanic Garden in Pyeong Chang

Thank you for your kind attention, and for reading my mail.  Please do not allow your beautiful city to become embroiled in the covert Anti-Japanese agenda of these Korean activists, who wish to propagate their fabricated story about Comfort Women, which, in fact, is political propaganda.    

Sumiyo Egawa 
The President of the AJCN


6. We will urge the Australian government to change their thinking towards Japan as their ally, and demand their foreign policies that currently lean towards Japan to be changed so that Australia will treat Korea and China equally with Japan. 

7. We will urge the US government not to be deceived by Japan, acknowledge the dark evil intention of Prime Minister Abe, stop remilitarization of Japan and change their foreign policies that put Japan first before Korea and China. 

8. We will hereby announce that both Korean and Chinese people will work together for the benefits of both countries, and we will continue our activities until above-mentioned aims are fulfilled.

Figure 3.  the doll, image of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe being beheaded at a demonstration in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul South Korea
Figure 4.  Ms Moon Okuju, one of the Ex-Comfort Woman's bank account, that shows that she could have bought three free-standing houses in Tokyo in the 1940s.  This evidence was uncovered when Ms Okuju came to Japan and demanded to reclaim money in 1992.

Figure 5 An Anti-Japan demonstration at Washington, posted by The Washington Post, April 22, 2015.

Figure 6  Ashfield United Church parking area, provided by Sumiyo Egawa Sydney, on August 7, 2016.

Figure 7  A Comfort Woman Statue in the UN Church parking area, Ashfield Sydney NSW Australia, ,provided by Sumiyo Egawa Sydney, on August 7, 2016.


Figure 8  Korean Group’s Wednesday Demonstration material in front of the Japanese Consulate General Sydney NSW Australia

Figure 9.  Korean President Moon Jae-in invited Ms Lee Yong-soo as a special guest being a Comfort Woman, to the State Dinner for the US President Trump on November 7, 2017, and on March 13, 2020, Ms Lee Yong-soo made her public confession that she was not a Comfort Woman, just a poppet spokeswoman for Mrs Yoon Mi-hyang’s organization for over 35 years.

Altman, A 1984, 'Korea's First Newspaper:  The Japanese Chosen Shinpo’ The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 685-696.

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Curzon, G N 1896, Problems of the Far East: Japan-Korea-China, Longmans, Green and Co, London, UK. 

Hicks, G 1995, The Comfort Women, Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd, St Leonards, NSW.

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Mizuma, M 2014, Hitomede Wakaru IanfuMondai no Shinjutsu, (ひと目でわかる慰安婦問題の真実), PHP Laboratory (株式会社PHP研究所), Chiyoda-ku, TKY. 

Moteki, H & Haginoya, T 2016, 'Comfort Women for Japanese Army during the 1930s through 1945, at Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 63rd session (15 February-4 March 2016, Geneva)', Coalition of Three Parties for Communicating Historical Truce, Society for Dissemination of Historical Fact, Minato-ku, TKY.

Nishioka, T 2015, The Comfort Women Issue in Sharper Focus, Japan Policy Institute, Chiyoda-ku, TKY.

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